Welcome to my first blog at Silver Clay School! Thank you so much for joining me and taking the time out of your busy day to read!

So I thought about this blog and wondered what I should write about. And the question I want to answer is Why Silver Clay School?


Have you thought about your golden thread?

I love teaching. When I was asked last month about my ‘golden thread’ – i.e. something that has threaded its way through your life and been a cornerstone of what you do, perhaps without realising it – I realised it was teaching. It took me a bit by surprise to be honest, because I have lots of labels to describe myself – wife, mother, business woman, creative….as well as some not so complimentary! But teacher was something I would never have described myself as. Until very recently. But it’s true – 6 months after I left university I began a job as a rookie trainer. The training manager had seen something in me and invited to me to join his team. And since then, in one role or another (some wholly unrelated to training) I have always found it’s something I have incorporated. And it comes really naturally and easily to me.

Silver clay is a fantastic product and something I am really passionate about. There are other base metal clays, but they have never really done it for me, it’s always been silver clay!

Silver clay flower made with mould

Silver clay gerbera made with mould

It’s really accessible and easy to get great results with just a few tools and a small workspace. I love teaching with it, because I find that 99% of the time, in class my students have a ball and are extremely impressed with what they can achieve in a relatively short space of time.
So combining two loves of mine – teaching and silver clay – seemed like the obvious answer. Not to me initially – because I can be a bit slow like that – but to others around me, they thought it was a perfect fit. So here I am. Dipping my toe in the water and launching Silver Clay School!
And what is Silver Clay School? Well it’s a tutor led (by me – you did get that didn’t you?!) series of monthly projects, teaching you how to work with silver clay. Each month has been carefully planned to ensure that you build on the skills you’ve learned from the previous lesson. I take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do. And what’s more, I’ll help you with your own personal look and style – so you’re not just copying the things I make (although you are welcome to!), you are developing your own unique creative voice.

Project 1 - FB

Project One – a simple pendant

Project 12 a silver clay bracelet.

Project 12 a silver clay bracelet.

Does that sound like something you fancy? Are you a beader who has gotten bored with the normal findings and beads and wants to put their very own stamp on it? Are you someone who is bogged down with the day to day grind and wants a creative outlet which is both satisfying and rewarding? Are you someone who just want to give something creative a try?


Well if you are – sign up to my newsletter. Silver Clay School is launching on the 1st of September and there will be a special offer for my founder members.
Looking forward to getting to know you better!
Creative kisses
Emma x


  1. Ann Morrow

    This looks an absolutely wonderful idea. I came down and did a beginners class with you several years ago & loved it but have not had the opportunity to take it any further. I thoroughly enjoyed my day learning with you and look forward to finding out more about your Silver Clay School.
    I wish you all the best with your new project.

    Ann x

    • Emma Gordon

      Oh Ann, thank you so much for taking the time to write this! How lovely to hear from you. Thank you for kind comments!


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