Welcome to My On-Demand Silver Clay Courses
Beautiful Design Projects for More Advanced Silver Clay Jewellery Makers
This is where you can find more advanced silver clay courses for the more skilled and confident jewellery maker. Although these courses are not for the beginner, they are fully detailed with up close and personal videos and step by step downloadable instructions, so you’ll be able to explore a brand-new silver clay technique or project with total confidence.

Up Close Videos
The videos are up close and personal to let you see exactly what’s going on from the maker’s point of view. I don’t want you to miss a thing.

Downloadable Instructions
Keep these handy step by step instructions at your side as you make your pieces. Clear and concise instructions with full colour photos for those who like to see things down in writing.

Friendly Support
We have a student Facebook group for you to ask your burning questions, show your work and share your triumphs and challenges. No question is silly and the cheerleading when you make a piece, is so uplifting.

Browse my Silver Clay Courses
Do you want to explore some brand-new techniques or master some new skills in silver clay? Are you in a creative funk and want to discover something to kick start it? Have a look at my on-demand courses and hopefully you’ll find something to love. I will be adding to this section all the time, so if you have a specific course, you’d like to see, get in touch.More On Demand Modules Coming Soon!
Be the first to know
If you’re interested in learning more with me, then please stay in touch! I will be sharing the next On Demand module soon, so join my list to be the first to know.