Welcome to the Silver Clay School Blog
Here I share my experiences with different tools and silver clay, what I like to use and why. I also share hopefully inspirational posts about creativity, my students and their work and anything else I can think of, that might help you, my lovely visitor!
Why I love Silver Clay – Number 1 Accessibility
Silver Clay - What's to love? When I was thinking about blog subjects to cover 30 days, I have to admit I was a little bit daunted. But when I started to break it down, I realised that I had a whole load of information in my head and especially if it I take the...
Emma Gordon | 0
Starting out with Silver Clay – which tools do I need?
Starting Silver Clay on a budget? One of the biggest concerns when starting out with a new hobby or craft is – how much is this going to cost and how much room will it take up? Very likely your partner / roommate / children / flat mate is sick of falling over your...
Emma Gordon | 4
Creativity! What’s stopping you?
Do you think you are creative? Now I am a great believer in the creative spirit of human beings. I believe wholeheartedly in the fact that the human race is intensively creative – how else could we be here, sitting on our computers, reading Facebook, looking at cat...
Emma Gordon | 9
What is Silver Clay? Pt 2
What is Silver Clay Pt 2Following on from the last blog where we discussed the different brands of Silver Clay and the different types of silver (Sterling, Fine and Britannia), I thought it might be a good idea to break down what type of Silver Clay there are and...
Emma Gordon | 0
What is Silver Clay?
What is Silver Clay? Silver Clay represents a dramatic development in the handling of precious metals. Silver Clay consists of microscopic particles of silver or gold suspended in an organic binder to create a pliable material with a consistency similar to...
Emma Gordon | 2
Welcome to Silver Clay School!
Welcome to my first blog at Silver Clay School! Thank you so much for joining me and taking the time out of your busy day to read! So I thought about this blog and wondered what I should write about. And the question I want to answer is Why Silver Clay School? I...
Emma Gordon | 2