Prong and Tab Settings in Silver Clay
Prong and Tab Settings in Silver Clay
Welcome to this course on how to set those awkwardly shaped 3 stones you’ve had in your collection for ages, but are not sure how to set. Using prongs and tabs in your silver clay creations is a great way to do this and I know that this course will help you. I make it super easy and understandable.
In this course there are three projects for you to enjoy. Each of them shows a different way to think about prongs and tabs and how to make sure that they fit your chosen stone.
Prong and Tab Settings in Silver Clay
Welcome to this course on how to set those awkwardly shaped 3 stones you've had in your collection for ages, but are not sure how to set. Using prongs and tabs in your silver clay creations is a great way to do this and I know that this course will help you. I make it super easy and understandable.
In this course there are three projects for you to enjoy. Each of them shows a different way to think about prongs and tabs and how to make sure that they fit your chosen stone.
The first setting is a simple tab setting made from silver clay. In this project you will learn just how important underestanding shrinkage is, because this setting needs to shrink perfectly to hold your stone. This one is better suited to flat back cabochons.
The second setting is a project that uses the simplest of silver clay prongs in which to set your work. So your project will be entirely silver clay. You can make these prongs with any shape (provided they are long enough for your chosen stones) and you can really texture and decorate them in any way you like
The third setting is one which uses silver wire as the prongs. This gives a lot of flexibility to your design, since you can cut the prongs to exactly the right size after firing. You will understand the art of embedding the wire in your silver clay and using the shrinkage factor to your advantage. This project is perfect for those stones that are deeper or have an uneven thickness.
In this workshop, you will..
- Understand how important shrinkage is and prepare templates for your design
- How to create an integrated silver clay simple tab setting to suit your stone
- How to create prongs in silver clay and make sure they fit the stone perfectly
- How to create prongs from silver wire and embed them into your silver clay designs
- How to fire your prong and tab creations safely to eliminate warping.
Please note – this online workshop is NOT suitable for a complete beginner. A working knowledge of clay is assumed.
A KILN is also necessary for this online workshop. I do offer a kiln firing service if you don’t have access to one.