The Ultimate Beginner’s Course in Silver Clay
I can get you from total beginner in Silver Clay to a confident Silver Clay Artist in 12 months.
You will be making beautiful jewellery from the comfort of your own home, in your PJs, whenever you can fit it around your busy schedule.
How do I know? Because I have taught hundreds of students over the past 5 years.
You can make these beautiful pieces yourself!
Sorry, The Doors to Alchemy! Are Closed Right Now
I’m busy getting the new students from the last intake settled in and comfortable. They are already making some beautiful jewellery!
But don’t worry – I will be opening the doors back up soon, so if you’d like to be the first to know, please join the Waitlist.
What’s going on with you right now?
The world is a crazy place right now and believe me when I say that Silver Clay has been a creative haven for me, away from all the bonkers things going on!
And if you’re a busy working person with a job and family and a house and perhaps a pet or two (phew, it’s a lot isn’t it?), it’s really hard to find the time to fit in a bit of me time. Especially if the only time you have revolves around other people
To add to that, we still have a pandemic to deal with! Which means any classes you might have managed to get to might not be running!
What’s a crafty, time starved person to do? When you want to find a little oasis of fun and creative time just now?
I can help!
I can take you by the hand through the myriad of silver clay techniques and show you how to make all sorts of jewellery! From the very first module, you’ll be creating beautiful pieces that you can gift or sell – yes, really. My students do it all the time.

Emma Gordon, Silver Clay Artist
“I get a real kick out of seeing my students exceed their own expectations. It’s a real privilege to watch them grow and achieve their goals and make some beautiful jewellery in the process”.

Welcome to Alchemy!
Learn how to create beautiful silver clay jewellery at home with my easy to follow, step-by-step programme that will give you everything you need to…
grow from complete beginner to confident silver clay artist in 12 months.
The first tutor led and supported silver clay course.
A flexible, fun and friendly way to get your creative itch scratched without having to buy loads of expensive equipment, commit to a regular class or even change out of your PJs.
Every month, you’ll get access to a module which starts to build your confidence and skills straight away. With close up videos and step by step downloadable guides, you’ll know exactly what to do and why you are doing it.
The course is bursting with creativity, techniques and advice. You’ll be supported and encouraged throughout your entire journey, where I will be lucky enough to watch you blossom from beginner to silver clay artist.
Welcome to our
Lovely Supportive Community
My students are a lovely, friendly and welcoming bunch and love being part of the Students group. Just look at the gorgeous jewellery they have created …

Sandy says…
“I love these earrings, especially as every part, including the cabachons, are handmade. I love the fact that I can go at my own pace and have learned a lot about working with the silver clay just in the few modules I have done so far.
Thank you Emma also for the time you take to explain things “

Jodie says…
“My favourite make so far is my little toadstool fairy house pendant as it uses a few different techniques learnt from different modules.
One of the best things about the school is the amazing support and patience that Emma gives. So much more than a teacher “

Amanda says…
“This pendant is my favourite piece so far. It was module 2 but I was so pleased that learnt how to dome a piece, add a hidden bail and set a gemstone too.
The course is amazing the videos are easy to follow, my mum loves watching with me and you realise you can do it. The Facebook group is extra supportive and I am learning a lot“
What’s Included in Alchemy?
(Apart from lots of fun, creativity, mindfulness, a sense of satisfaction and achievement you mean?)

Alchemy is a wonderful online course which offers comprehensive lessons in bite sized chunks.
- There are 12 modules which are jam packed with great projects, hints and tips, advice and bonus material – because you want to know all there is to know!
- You will learn amazing techniques and skills which you will build on each month to become a confident silver clay artist.
- The lessons are structured in such a way that you can pick up and put down when you need to.
I don’t just cover Silver Clay jewellery making, I also cover things that will help you become an all round artist.
Bench tools and how to use them
Successful Polishing,
Making findings to accompany your silver clay work
The list goes on!
Our Wonderful Support Group
You will have access to me, a highly qualified and experienced tutor to answer your questions and hold your hand whilst you are learning as well as support within our creative and active community.
And when you finish your 12 months in Alchemy, you will have lifetime access to everything, including the Support Group.

12 Months of Creativity
Every month you’ll get access to a new module which builds on your skills from the month before. Over the 12 months, you’ll have access to over 30 unique silver clay projects!
For example, Module 5 has FOUR projects included

Live Q&A Sessions
As well as ongoing support I also host live Q&A sessions, where you can ask me anything about Silver Clay.
I might even do a mini lesson or two!

Downloadable Documents
Because having notes on hand to refer to is a critical part of the learning process. And my notes are detailed with lots of colour photos.

Close Up Videos
I like my students to see what I can see.
So I get the camera in as close as I dare. I talk you through the process as I am creating. And you don’t miss a thing.

Bonuses Galore!
We all need some bonuses in our life don’t we?
I like to make sure you have a rounded knowledge. So there are plenty of bonus videos, documents and projects like this windmill earring project.

FREE Kiln Firing
There are just some projects that need to be fired in a kiln. And if you’re a beginner, you’re not likely to have one.
So send them to me and I will fire your pieces for you.
All these ladies started at the very beginning with Silver Clay School and they’ve come so far.
Now look at their lovely work… this could be you!

Emma has not only taught me skills which I have in turn turned into a business, she has helped enable me to produce really precious creations that help bring people a sense of peace and happiness.
This is probably my most favourite piece I’ve made this year, it was made for a friend of mine who lost her dad suddenly a few years back, she turned 40 this year and she wanted something that she felt was from him.
Because of Emma’s wonderful tuition I was able to create this solid silver bangle for her, on the outside it’s decorated with flowers, because he was an avid gardener, the inside carries his handwriting from the last birthday card he ever sent her, (Katie you are a very special daughter love Dad x) and to finish it has two flowers, representing both him (the sunflower, because he always grew the tallest) and her being the other flower.
If it wasn’t for Emma’s silver clay school I would never have had the ability to create such a special and sentimental piece of jewellery. Emma is a lovely, approachable and talented teacher, an absolute delight to learn from and in her, and her Silver Clay School, you will find not just a wealth of knowledge, but a really lovely friend. Couldn’t recommend the Silver Clay School enough.

When you are having a complete meltdown, she’s there to calm you down, hold your hand, encourage and show you the way forward, often within a few minutes.
This is my favourite and I wear it a lot! Emma’s sizing method worked brilliantly and it’s a perfect fit. The ring has polished up so well and is quite reflective. It’s slightly wonky and far from perfect but I LOVE IT!
What can I say about Emma and Silver Clay School that hasn’t been said already? When you are having a complete meltdown because you have a deadline and your soldering keeps failing she’s there to calm you down, hold your hand, encourage and show you the way forward, often within a few minutes.

There’s 101 positive things you take back into ‘the real world’ with you on top of the knowledge of how to make beautiful shiny works of art
My fav make so far isn’t the most complicated but it was really fun, from start to finish!
Something I love about silver clay school, it’s about so much more than silver clay. You learn the importance of allocating time to yourself that you’d otherwise spend racing about after other people. You learn how to be kind to yourself, because the outcome of each lesson is learning, not perfection. You learn how to support other people, because you can appreciate the hard work that goes into the wins as well as the difficulties.
Basically there’s 101 positive things you take back into ‘the real world’ with you on top of the knowledge of how to make beautiful shiny works of art xxx
Hi, I’m Emma Gordon
Founder of Silver Clay School
I have trained hundreds of students from all over the world online with my carefully designed, tried and tested 12 month programme.
When I decided to offer an online training course for Silver Clay, I was (and still am) a busy working mum, with 2 kids and a dog – and a husband and a house and everything else that entails! I also have a chronic autoimmune condition which made it difficult for me to get out and about.
And I realised I am not alone in this.
Everybody has constraints on their time, so offering a flexible online School seemed to be an obvious choice for me.
But I also love teaching and interacting with my students, so I felt that it was essential to include this important element within my School. I get a real kick out of seeing my students exceed their expectations of what they can do. It’s a real privilege to watch them grow and achieve their goals and make some beautiful jewellery in the process.
It’s not just about making jewellery for most of them – it’s about doing something for themselves and realising that they are completely capable of doing something creative.

Over 14 Years Loving Silver Clay
I have both PMC and ACS certifications, plus a diploma in silver clay. I regularly train with other silver clay artists online and in person to top up my skills and learn new techniques. I’ve also developed a few techniques of my own, written tutorials for magazines and even displayed my work at the Scottish Parliament!
Frequently Asked Questions
I get asked lots of questions!
These are just a small sample. But if yours isn’t answered here, please get in touch!
Do I have to complete the modules in a set time?
No, you don’t. You can take your time with it. Pick it up and leave it when you need to. As long as your payments are up to date, your modules will be waiting for you. And when you finish the 12 months, you’ll have lifetime access.
Are tools and clay included?
No, they are not. But I do give you a list of trusted suppliers and you are entitled to use several discount codes that are exclusive to the students of Silver Clay School.
Do I need a kiln to particpate?
No you don’t. Some of the modules you do, will need to be kiln fired – because I want to give you as rounded an education as possible. You get 4 kiln vouchers as part of your membership, one every 3 months and you can use them to send your firing to me.
How much clay will I need?
This is a difficult question to answer. Because it depends on what you decide to make in the Modules – some Modules have more than one project included. It will also depend on how big you like your pieces to be. But every month, I will give you a minimum amount of clay that you have to use, per project, so you can decide what you’d like to make and how much clay you’ll approximately need.
When does the course begin?
As soon as you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to the first module.
Have a question?
Sorry, The Doors to Alchemy! Are Now Closed
Something about how everybody is loving creating beautiful things and sharing in the group.
But no worries, I open the course to new makers every few months so don’t miss out, sign up to the waitlist and I’ll let you know as soon as the doors reopen.
So what do you say? Do you want to…
Learn to make beautiful jewellery?
Join a wonderful community of like minded students and share your ideas, tips and triumphs?
Have the support and guidance of a tutor with over 12 years experience?